NEXT COPACS MEETING: Thurs. Nov. 1st/12 7pm

Picture of Cathy Fountas
NEXT COPACS MEETING: Thurs. Nov. 1st/12 7pm
by Cathy Fountas - Monday, 29 October 2012, 9:22 PM

Hello Saanich PACs,

The next COPACS meeting will be this Thursday November 1st,2012 at 7pm at the Saanich Education Centre (behind Keating Elementary).

Please have the COPACS rep or other PAC representative from your school join the public education discussion around the table with school board trustees and executive, union representatives for our Saanich district teachers and CUPE.

Please find attached the agenda for the November meeting and also the October 2012 meeting minutes that will be reviewed and approved on Thursday.

Also, if you haven't yet, please send COPACS an email with great ideas for speakers or education ideas that you want to learn about and COPACS will try to host to enhance parent/guardian education in our district.

Look forward to seeing you at the meeting.