Greetings Parents and our Education Community,
The COPACS Annual General Meeting is coming up on April 14, 2022.
As you know, COPACS is an organization that represents parents, and we have a very influential role to collaborate with both District staff and Board Trustees, along with the individual PACs. COPACS makes a difference for the education community in SD#63!
In 2021 we supported a parent education series with Dr. Allison Rees, sought the views of 744 parents regarding vaccinations for SD#63 staff and provided input to a regional food security initiative.
In 2022 we are going to support a nature education initiative with a working group of teachers and administrators from across our district.
COPACS is looking for volunteers to fill the following three critical positions. The positions must be filled for continuance of COPACS. Members are to be voted in at the April 14 virtual Annual General Meeting.
Please contact for more information or if you are interested in volunteering.
a) shall preside at all meetings of the Assembly and the Executive Board b) shall be one of the financial signing officers
c) shall be an ex-officio member to all committees except the Nominating Committee
d) shall be the spokesperson for COPACS
e) shall represent COPACS at School Board meetings and report back to the Assembly
f) shall ensure that representatives are appointed to COPACS and district committees, as required
g) shall draft correspondence on behalf of the Assembly, or delegate that task to another member of the Executive
h) shall submit an annual report at the Annual General Meeting
i) shall ensure that all relevant information regarding this position is passed on to the succeeding president
2nd Vice President
a) shall assist the President in the performance of his/her duties
b) shall submit an annual report at the Annual General Meeting
c) shall ensure all relevant information regarding this position is passed on to succeeding 2nd Vice President
Recording Secretary
a) shall keep accurate and official minutes of the Assembly
b) shall distribute minutes to COPACS members as soon as possible after the last meeting
c) shall keep an accurate copy of the Constitution and Bylaws
d) shall make available on request, to any member of the Assembly, a copy of the Constitution and Bylaws
e) shall keep an accurate record of COPACS delegates
f) shall submit an annual report at the Annual General Meeting
g) shall ensure all relevant information regarding this position is passed on to succeeding Recording Secretary