First Celebration of Excellence and Achievement for Students in ACB Communities (a.k.a. Black Grad)

Picture of Copacs Executive
First Celebration of Excellence and Achievement for Students in ACB Communities (a.k.a. Black Grad)
by Copacs Executive - Thursday, 9 March 2023, 2:33 PM

As part of the International Decade for People of African Descent (IDPAD), Binkadi Wellness Society received an IDPAD youth grant from the City of Victoria to establish the first celebration of excellence and achievement for students in ACB communities  (a.k.a. Black Grad). If you know a child who is transitioning into elementary, middle or high school, or graduating from high school, college, or university we want to honour them! 

The inaugural COEA is a familial and community celebration to honour K-12 and post-secondary students of African descent who have achieved a significant milestone in their academic journey. The June 2023 ceremony and reception include various ceremonial traditions, food, gifts, student speakers, music, and fun. This will be held in Victoria, BC.

Also, due to the unprecedented impact that COVID-19 had on our communities, if the person graduated from secondary, college, or university in 2020 or 2021, we want to honor them as well.

Finally, if you are (or know) an elder who never got the opportunity to graduate please e-mail us and let us know. 

This is a free event in June (TBD), please complete this form and return it by Saturday, March 11th by midnight. 

Dr. Lisa M. Gunderson
(Dr.Lisa/Dr.G/Lisa - she/her)
Senior Consultant and British Columbia Registered Clinical Counsellor
California Licensed Psychologist (In-Active)
One Love Consulting 