- Save the Date - PAC 101 Online Workshop - 2 hours - Monday, January 16th 7:00 pm
- COPACS is happy to host a PAC 101 workshop for parents!Interesting in learning more about the parent voice and Parent Advisory Council role?New to the school system? Interested in learning more about what a PAC is? Been on the PAC forever but would love an overall orientation? This workshop is for you!Learn about PACs, the School Act, Constitution & Bylaws, Governance, Effective Meetings, Elections and a brief overview of Financials.
- Virtual Meeting Link:Join Zoom MeetingMeeting ID: 852 7889 6936Passcode: G&m@33&ZnwOne tap mobile+17789072071,,85278896936#,,,,*7909849860# CanadaDial by your location+1 778 907 2071 CanadaMeeting ID: 852 7889 6936Passcode: 7909849860WhenMonday 16 Jan 2023 ⋅ 19:00 – 21:00 (Pacific Time - Vancouver)
PAC 101 virtual workshop MONDAY NIGHT!!
I shared the slide deck in a separate forum post, but you can also access it here