

Friday, 20 February 2009

Site event


Friday, 20 February, 12:00 AM

Sharing the Dream Webcast #2

On Friday, February 20, 2009 the second in the Sharing the Dream webcast series will connect students, from around the world, in a discussion on global citizenship and Olympic and Paralympic values. The presenter is Michael Furdyk, co-founder of the youth social action website TakingITGlobal, who will talk about the role youth can take in improving their communities.  To take place in the discussion go to  To learn more about TakingItGlobal go to

Site event

Drug Awareness Workshop @ Claremont

Friday, 20 February, 10:15 AM » 11:45 AM

I would like to invite some parents to attend a workshop that we are hosting on Friday, Feb. 20th. The Saanich Teachers Association and the School District jointly organize a district conference and I thought one of the workshops might be relevant to some parents. The workshop is on Drug Awareness and focuses on adults becoming more aware of the signs of drug use, the appearance of drugs, and the current lingo. It is given by one of our school police liaison officers and has been very well received in the past. I will hold 12 spots for parents that would like to attend if you would like to pass the information on. This workshop is from 10:15-11:45 and will be held as part of a larger conference at Claremont Secondary. All the parents have to do is show up and check in when they get there.  Would those that plan on attending please email Sarah?

Sarah Windle

Teacher Librarian and Grade One Teacher, Keating Elementary

Professional Development Chair

Saanich School District (63)

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